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Sometimes You Have To Get Away

Sometimes You Have To Get Away

Matt. 14:22-23

Sometimes the most important thing we can do is get away to a peaceful, God-filled spot.  Every now and then, you need to leave certain feelings and thoughts behind. There are times we should not see people, times when we direct our whole attention toward God. I believe we should have a place of refuge, a place out of the normal scope of living, a place we can be alone and focus on the Lord. When we draw away for a time, we can get a clear vision of what the Lord will have you to do.

Jesus did this many times during his earthly life, especially just before and after major decisions.

In Isa. 30:15 In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.

There is something about renewing, about retreating to a quiet place of rest and peace. Silence is an environment in which great ideas are birthed. This is one of the most powerful concepts I have incorporated into my life. To get away and concentrate on what God is leading me to do.

Find a place you can get away, just you and God, to see what God is trying to show you.

Know this, people will not understand what God is showing you. That’s why you trust God to direct your path. Prov. 3:5-6

Learn to wait upon the Lord. Isa. 40:31 and see how much further you move forward with God as a result.