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How To Develop Faith

How To Develop Faith

One way to develop the faith God wants is to examine and accept the evidence of His existence and power. We believe that various historical figures are real based on credible evidence and statements of individuals with first-hand knowledge of their existence. No one questions the existence of these individuals due to the physical, verbal, and written testimony. The apostles and early disciples had direct evidence of hearing Jesus and seeing His power. We have their written word in scripture and preserved as evidence over the centuries. Rom. 10:17

Faith in Jesus is produced in much the same way. The Christian accepts the overwhelming biblical and secular evidence that Jesus existed and did as recorded. John 20:30-31

We also develop and strengthen our faith through our own experiences.  As we grow in our belief and trust, we see the evidence of the results in our lives, and it leads us to believe and trust even more. Not only do we see this in our lives, but we also see it in the lives of others as they grow in their faith.

A strong faith may lead to victory in life, but as happened to some of those in the book of Hebrews, it may lead to hardship and destruction. Hebrews 11:35-40, whichever the call is not ours, it’s God. We are the servants; God is the master. We trust in God and obey Him. In the face of all that life threw at the heroes of Hebrews, the commonality was their relationship with God grew to the point that they were able to follow through with actions that God either directly communicated to them or through their understanding of His will. The Hebrew writer includes in his thoughts that we are surrounded by a great number of witnesses, and we should press on in our spiritual growth to be like Jesus, who not only founded our faith, but brings it to completion. Faith may not fix all the problems we face in our lives, but it does fix our biggest problem: how to overcome separation from God because of our sin. Mark 16:15-16.