What Choice Have You Made?

What Choice Have You Made?

Joshua 24:13-18


  • Joshua is about 110 years old; he is giving one of the final speeches to the people.
  • Joshua challenges the people of Israel to make a decision.
  • God is asking us to make a decision.
  • But what specifically is God asking us to do?
  • What is the choice that needs to be made?


A command to consider – vs 13

  • Sixteen times in the first 13 verses, Joshua uses the pronoun I for God, followed by an action word. God’s goodness to them is summed up in this verse.


The charge given – vs 14

  • They are to serve Him.
  • The word serve appears seven times in verses 14, 15.
  • How are they to serve God?

In Sincerity:

--means genuine in feeling, the absence of hypocrisy.

--means to serve God with our whole heart

--to really mean what we are doing.

In Truth:

--means you worship according to the whole counsel of God’s word.

--you come to God in truth, not in pretense.  John 4:24

--put away the gods their father’s serve; anything in our lives that has priority over

serving the Lord and our submission to Him is an idol.


The choice made – vs 15

  • Joshua was willing to put his family up as an example, and he challenged others to follow.
  • A real leader does not bully, push people to action; they lead, and they set the example.
  • If you want your children or grandchildren to be a follower of Jesus, lead them do not push them, do not tell them to be what you are not willing to be.


We influence others with our choice – vs 16-18

  • Joshua not only influenced his own household but also motivated many others to serve the Lord.
  • For bad or good, our influence always extends beyond our immediate surroundings.
  • There comes a time in your life when you’ve got to decide who you are, whose you are, and where you are going.


When you make a decision for Christ, count the cost!

Luke 14:27-33