Remain Steadfast (continued)
Last week we concluded that no matter what happens to Paul, they must have one
desire, one aim, and that is, live the Christian life, putting Christ first in their life.
Why is he saying that, because many times things can happen to a loved one and a
person will blame God for it and will go so far as to quit serving the Lord. Their
conduct should not depend on circumstances. Regardless of what happened, Paul
wanted them to conduct their lives in a manner worthy of the gospel. Our conduct
reflects the kind of faith we have in the Lord. So, Paul says whether I come and
see you or be absent I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit
with one mind.
One spirit means that all the members must be committed to the Lord, they must
all have a heart given to Him.
One mind means that all members must be set upon the same purpose; they must
all be focused upon the purpose of Jesus. The point is this: the world may be split
and divided, arguing, fussing, and feuding, fighting for all it can get, but the church
is not to live that way. The church is to be unified; it is to be one in spirit and one
in mind, one in heart, and one in purpose.
In a world that is divided, the church must stand strong, stand fast, firm, a
testimony of faith. We must not waiver from our faith in Christ. No matter what
the world says or stands for, we must stand up for Jesus.