Life Is About Making Right Choices

Life Is About Making Right Choices

Gen. 13:5-8


--We literally make hundreds of choices and decisions every day.

--We make choices that affect our day.

--People who make good choices succeed.

--People who make poor choices do not.

--What can we learn about choices form the text?

  1. The more stuff we have the more complicated life becomes. 13:6-7
  • If we want to make good choices, we need to:
  • Unclutter our lives.
  • Simplify the problem.
  1. Don’t focus on things of the world. 13:10; Col. 3:1-2
  • Those who focus on the things of the world are dying in three ways.
  1. Dying physically – Psa. 39:4
  2. Dying spiritually – Heb. 3:15; Eph. 4:18
  3. Dying eternally – Rom. 6:23
  • Focus on important things. 13:4
  • Quiet time with the Lord.
  • Time with family.
  • Fellowshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Obeying God and making preparations for the next life.
  1. We must trust God’s providence. 13:14-18; Acts 17:28; Col. 1:16-17; Rom. 8:28
  • The greatest choice and decision we must make is:
  • What are we going to do about God’s call to salvation?
  • What are we going to do with Jesus?


What is your choice?

Duet. 30:19; Josh. 24:15