Learning To Stretch

Learning To Stretch

We have to learn to stretch and reach out to where God is. Aim high. The world’s approach is to look to next year based on last year. We Christians need to reach for the potential, not base our success on the past. Those who make great strides are those who take chances and plan toward the challenges of life.

Don’t become so caught up in the small matters that you cannot take advantage of significant opportunities. Most people spend their entire lives letting down buckets into empty wells and then waste their days trying to pull them up again. People whose faith runs ahead of their minds make all the great discoveries.

When God get ready to bless your life, he sends people into your life. Choose to dream big.

Choose to major on the important issues of life, not on the unimportant.

If an undertaking doesn’t include faith, it isn’t worthy of being called God’s direction.

Direction and faith go hand in hand.

Dream big because you serve a big God.