Good Things From A Closed Mouth

Good Things From A Closed Mouth

We have a mouth, tongue, and voice box, and they can be used in wonderful ways.  But sometimes it’s best for a mouth to stay closed.  We all need to become good listeners.

Lots of people are possessed with foot in mouth disease.  You don’t learn anything when you’re doing all the talking.  We’ve got to learn to listen without judging; learn to listen and ask questions.

Where will this lead?  If you do this, will you regret it later?

Listening keeps you from misjudging a situation.  Digging for facts is a lot better exercise than jumping to conclusions.

Prov. 18:13 – He who answers before listening that is his folly and his shame.

Listening keeps you from the dangerous sin of gossip.

Listening keeps you from quarreling.

Don’t judge motives of others.

Don’t always have to insert your opinion.

Sometimes, just listen.