Four Principles For Winning The Battle For Your Mind

Four Principles For Winning The Battle For Your Mind

We have looked at:

  1. Don’t Believe Everything You Think
  2. Guard Your Mind From Garbage
  3. Never Let Up On Learning

We continue with #3

Five levels of learning

  • Knowledge

When we don’t know the word of God, we can be destroyed. Hosea 4:6

  • Perspective

The Bible calls this perspective wisdom. Wisdom is found in seeing life from God’s viewpoint. It is seeing from God’s perspective. Knowledge is knowing what God does; wisdom and perspective are knowing why he does it.

  • Conviction

We pursue knowledge of the Word, then perspective on why God does what he does and in doing so we start to develop convictions. Conviction is not opinion. Opinion is something you argue about; conviction is something you die for. And what we need today as much as ever are men and women of godly, Biblical convictions. 2 Tim1:12

  • Character

Once we begin to develop conviction, we start developing habits and the sum total of our habits is what we call character. You develop character by developing the Fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22-23

  • Skill

Skill comes through doing something over and over. Eccl. 10:10

Skill will bring success. James 1:22

Keep your mind fixed on the Word of God, the mind of God, the convictions of God, the character of God, and the skills of God.

To Be Continued