Becoming A Person Of Influence

Becoming A Person Of Influence

Galatians 1:10

What is influence?

Influence is leading people.

Influence is the display of character.

Influence means to lead people according to your character.

Everyone has character. Some have bad character. Some have good character. Some people are honest while others are deceitful. Some are trustworthy while others are unreliable. Some have a great ethic while others are slackers. No matter what your character is like we all have character, and your character will influence those around you for good or for evil. I Cor. 15:33

If you hang around with people who are a bad influence, you will begin to adopt their character. I believe the opposite is also true.

What the world today is desperately in need of are people of godly character who will influence  those around them to live holy lives. If we in the church fail to do this, then who will?

It is essential that we as Christians stop complaining about the way things are and start changing the way things are.

We have influence on others. Everyone leaves a legacy, whether you have children or not.

How do you leave a legacy? Through influencing those who come behind you whether they be your children or nieces and nephews, or your neighbors or coworkers or friends.