Are We Focusing On The Wrong Things?

Are We Focusing On The Wrong Things?

Have you let an angry blowup over some petty incident destroy a friendship that took years to build?
Have you let one out of character mistake cost you a marriage that had lasted more than twenty years?
Parents, do you let yourselves get preoccupied with getting ahead and keeping up with the Jones and
then blow it in parenting your children?
We can get sidetrack many times over petty issues and lose our focus.
Churches get sidetracked so easily. We can focus on petty internal issues, while a whole world goes to
hell. The larger picture is lost while we argue over the color of the carpet or who stole a roll of paper
towels from the rest room.
When we are totally focused on one thing, we’re blind to the thing outside our peripheral vision. When
we choose to concentrate on one thing, other things go unnoticed and unattended. As we turn our
attention to petty things, the important things of life go unattended.
As we devote our energies and devotion to lesser things, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, passes
by unnoticed.