Remain Steadfast (continued)

Remain Steadfast (continued) Last week we concluded that no matter what happens to Paul, they must have one desire, one aim, and that is, live the Christian life, putting Christ first in their life. Why is he saying that, because many times things can happen to a loved one and...

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Remain Steadfast

Remain Steadfast In Philippians 1:27, Paul is aware of the pressures the Philippians are experiencing from within and without.  In their own community there is some conflict developing.  Additionally, they are experiencing persecution from the world around them.  Paul’s concern is that they remain steadfast in their service to the...

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Who Knows for sure?

Who Knows for sure? In Proverbs 27:1 it says boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring. Man has no way of knowing for sure what will happen from one day until the next. We have no way of knowing for sure what tomorrow...

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Self-Inventory (continued)

Self-Inventory (continued) When was the last time you took a self-inventory? A self-inventory helps you get your life in perspective. Before we can fully live, we should take a self-inventory, a closer look at our lives to improve our plans for the future. A self-inventory is just looking inward and...

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Self-Inventory Every so often many businesses conduct an inventory. They count what they have on their shelves. They do this because these companies need to know what’s on their shelves. They need to know what they can sell. They need to know what they can ship out. They need know...

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The Right Focus (continued)

The Right Focus (continued) In our last lesson we looked at the first of three possible places to focus. The Psalmist focused on the wellbeing of the wicked Psa. 73:4-12 The second focus is on the futility of faith In verse 13 he focuses on himself, his faith, its reward....

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The Right Focus

The Right Focus When we, as God’s people, are going through difficulty due to our faith and the ungodly seem to prosper in their ungodliness, we need to remember not to focus on them or even on our own difficulty, but focus on God who remains near to us, strengthens...

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Power Of Encouragement (continued)

Power Of Encouragement (continued) Why do we encourage others? There are several reasons: To keep the fainthearted from quitting. We do not want to see people go back to their old way of life. To draw out potential in others. How many people have we encouraged to go out into...

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Power Of Encouragement (continued)

Power Of Encouragement (continued) What does the word encourage mean? To encourage means to come along side of. If we are going to encourage others, we need to come along side of them and help them. The word can mean that we come along side of them to urge or...

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Power Of Encouragement

Life can be very challenging most of the time. As we live our lives, we need a lot of help along the way. We face so many challenges at every turn, it is important for us to have people in our lives that will get behind us to tell us...

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